6 Facts About Baby Teeth you might want to know

Many new parents may be troubled by the health of their baby's teeth. Why hasn't the baby got his first tooth yet? How come there are black spots on the baby's teeth? Does baby teething cause fever? This article will summarize some facts you may not know about baby teeth. Hopefully, it can be helpful to you as a new parent.

1, Babies Don’t Have a Set Time to Grow Their First Teeth
Although the general belief is that babies will get their teeth around the sixth month, some may have teeth right after birth, while others may not start until the twelfth month. But don't worry, this is all normal.

2, Take Your Baby to the Doctor Within Six Months of Teething
For the sake of your baby's dental health, visit the doctor as soon as their teeth come in. This ensures that information is recorded from the start, and regular visits every six months will help detect any problems in time, allowing your baby to grow healthy teeth.

3, Snacking Frequency Impacts Dental Health
The frequency of snacking may have a greater impact on your baby's dental health than the number of snacks consumed. Snacks are best eaten as an after-dinner dessert to maximize dental health. Each time we eat, saliva helps wash away bacteria, but frequent snacking can regulate bacteria growth, leading to tooth decay.

4, Fluoride Varnish is More Useful Than You Think!
To prevent tooth decay, fluoride varnish can be very beneficial. You can apply it as soon as your baby gets their first tooth, and continue every six months thereafter. Consult your baby's dentist for specific instructions on usage.

5, Help Your Baby Develop Proper Brushing Habits
The duration carbohydrates stay on teeth is a main culprit for tooth decay. Timely rinsing and brushing are essential. Rinse immediately after snacks, and develop proper brushing techniques. After spitting out toothpaste, avoid rinsing your mouth to maximize its effectiveness.

6, Easing Baby Teething Pain with Ice
Your baby may feel pain or discomfort when teething. You can use a cold, clean washcloth to help ease their pain, or massage their gums with your clean, cold fingers. If considering medication, ensure it’s a comfortable dose for your baby; ideally, medication should be avoided.

There are times when you may find that your baby will not sleep very well due to teething as well. When it comes to relieving your baby's pain, you may also want to check out Maydolly's Smart Bassinet

which allows you to set the rocking level and automatically rock your baby to help them sleep better.


NHS, (August 9, 2022), Baby teething symptoms


WebMD Editorial Contributors, (October 31, 2021), Dental Health and Your Child's Teeth


David Krol, (September 19, 2022), Good Oral Health Starts Early: AAP Policy Explained



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by Vincent Jim – October 18, 2024

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